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All About Gambling

Welcome to The Good The Bad and The Lucky


This site was created by a gambler and is designed to appeal to fellow gamblers. I won’t try to tell you how to win because there are plenty of people out there trying to do that already. Instead my aim is to highlight the good and bad sides of the gambling industry.


I also want to build a community where like-minded people can share their big wins, experiences and stories.


I worked in gambling for 10 years and have been gambling even longer. I have a very solid understanding of the industry – from both the inside and out. Unfortunately, I can’t and won’t disclose who I worked for. I trust you can appreciate why I must also retain my anonymity.


There are three main sections to the site;

  1. The Good – a place to highlight the good parts of the industry. This could be slot game providers who are bringing out new and exciting content, or it could be new regulations that are designed to help the consumer. Basically anything positive in the world of gambling can be found here.

  2. The Bad – opposite of the above really. This will look at anything bad about gambling. A discussion about intrusive source of wealth checks, operators refusing to payout a winner, dodgy regulators etc. 

  3. The Lucky – a place for people to engage and share their gambling stories. Post big wins, show off your winning bet slips and anything else you care to talk about.

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Hello there and welcome

I have 10 years experience working in the gambling industry, mainly focusing on Casino games. This blog is a passion project where I will discuss all topics relating to gambling, and in particular online slots. Please feel free to look around, explore the content and learn about what makes us tick. Please reach out and engage - I'm always happy to hear from interested parties.

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